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What is the history of AfriBizKid?

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Born and raised in Kwa Zulu Natal in South Africa, John Comley received a university education and worked in Kwa Zulu for his young adult life, until being lured to the ‘Big Smoke’, as Johannesburg is often referred to.

John led a varied and interesting career in engineering and business, developing skills and gaining experience through multiple roles in a wide range of industries and markets.

John married and went on to form a small tribe of his own, by having five beautiful children with his wife, Jenifer.

Through a varied career over many years, John developed multiple business skills and spent a lot of his personal time mentoring young students who wanted to further develop their careers, or to start up and run a small business of their own.

As a young scholar, John had never received any ‘business training’, and having had to acquire this through many long years of work experience, he always realised the need for such a programme for young children and scholars.

It so happened that in the early days of the year 2020, the entire world was subjected to a terrible pandemic emanating from China, called COVID-19, which literally shut many countries and economies down around the world, with many of the struggling economies in Africa also being really affected.

It was at this time that John recognised the impending job crisis in Africa and decided, along with a team of committed ‘pro-bono’ staff, to develop an online training programme for the young Children of Africa, on how to start and run a small business.

And the rest, as the saying goes . . . is history.

Starting Your Small Business was launched on 1 December 2020 as a FREE online training program to ALL Children of Africa, without any limitations or restrictions. Aimed at the Children of Africa between the ages of 10 – 19, the Starting Your Small Business course can be retaken and resources accessed as often as needed by a child starting and growing a small business of their own.

Following the successful launch of Starting Your Small BusinessAfriBizKid is moving ahead at lightning speed with a translation of the course into French, for the Francophone countries of Africa!

Furthermore, AfriBizKid is committed to developing SIX advanced training programs for small business owners, as well as an AfriBizKid Juniors programme for children between the ages of 5 – 9 years old!!

It’s really exciting when you realise that the Starting Your Small Business programme is just the start . . . 

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