Please give us your valuable feedback!
As the students taking these courses and lessons, we would greatly value your feedback. So please let us know how you found the course, as well as any corrections you may have have picked up. We have tried our best to deliver a great and hopefully life-changing learning experience, whilst keeping it fun, but need your help to improve our courses for the wonderful Children of Africa!
The Start Your Small Business course was our gift to YOU!
If the course has benefited you (or your child, in the case of a parent), all we would ask is that you 'pay it forward' by making a donation . . .
Help us take this program THROUGHOUT AFRICA, to every country, and to every Child of Africa!
That's our dream . . . and YOU can help us achieve it!
Click HERE to DONATE to AfriBizKid!
By donating today, you will be helping another Child of Africa achieve their DREAM . . .
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