If you already have a small business, why not take this test to see whether the AfriBizKid Starting Your Small Business course could help you to improve your overall business operation, including business planning, marketing and sales!
#1. Do you have a business plan for your business?
#2. Do you have a marketing plan for your business?
#3. Are your sales targets set at the start of each year, and then managed against?
#4. Do you have a cash flow that is updated weekly?
#5. Is your target market clearly defined?
#6. Have you clearly defined your ‘buyer personas’?
#7. Have you defined your Unique Selling Proposition?
#8. Do you have a means of tracking and controlling your costs?
#9. Do you regularly advertise your products or services?
#10. Would at least FIVE customers give you a STRAIGHT FIVE rating for customer service?
#11. Do you have an Internet presence (website or social media)?
#12. Do you regularly read relevant books, as well as train yourself in business skills?
#13. Do you have a NETWORK of customers, suppliers and mentors?
#14. Do you regularly ‘give back’ to society in money or deeds?
#15. Would you regard yourself as an exceptional leader?
The Start Your Small Business course was our gift to YOU!
If the course has benefited you (or your child, in the case of a parent), all we would ask is that you 'pay it forward' by making a donation . . .
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