Our North Star is the Children of Africa

Our Goal

To reach and positively impact the lives of 100 million Children of Africa by 2025

Our Credo

This is what we at AfriBizKid believe in and live by . . .

AfriBizKid is committed to the development of the Children of Africa, and we believe in and live by this credo . . .

  • Liberation of Africa – We believe in liberating Africa through empowering Her Children
  • Empowerment of Children – We are committed to play a significant role in not only eliminating poverty in Africa, but in building a powerful and sustainable Africa-wide economy, through empowering the Children of Africa
  • Building the Future Leaders of Africa – Every Child of Africa has the potential to become a Great Leader of Africa – we will actively work to help create Young Leaders of Africa, who will go on to become Great Leaders of Africa
  • Building an Economically Powerful Africa, for the People of Africa, built by the People of Africa – We will help start millions of small businesses, which will collectively employ, educate and feed hundreds of millions of Africa’s People, both young and old!
  • Success Starts with the Boundless Dreams of Children – We will help nurture the dreams of every Child of Africa through providing the training needed for starting and growing small businesses
  • Job Creation through Education – We will actively work to help create jobs by educating the Children of Africa in starting and growing small businesses
  • Progress through Upliftment  – We commit to always focus on the upliftment of others, including the less fortunate, believing that the cumulative progress of millions of Children of Africa will build Mother Africa into a global economic powerhouse
  • Standing Against Corruption – We stand firmly and vehemently against corruption, in every manner and form that it presents itself
  • Standing Against Gender-Based-Violence and Child Abuse – We stand firmly and vehemently against Gender-Based-Violence and Child Abuse and will support causes that fight these scourges
  • Standing Against Child Labour – We stand firmly and vehemently against Child Labour, believing that children’s lives should be a careful balance of growing up in a peaceful and loving home, receiving a quality education, and having fun.

Sign the Credo!

By signing the AfriBizKid Credo below, you agree to uphold the credo, for the benefit of every Child of Africa!

How did AfriBizKid start?

A brief history of AfriBizKid . . . .

Born and raised in Kwa Zulu Natal in South Africa, John Comley received a university education and worked in Kwa Zulu for his young adult life, until being lured to the ‘Big Smoke’, as Johannesburg is often referred to.

John led a varied and interesting career in engineering and business, developing skills and gaining experience through multiple roles in a wide range of industries and markets.

John married and went on to form a small tribe of his own, by having five beautiful children with his wife, Jenifer.

Through a varied career over many years, John developed multiple business skills and spent a lot of his personal time mentoring young students who wanted to further develop their careers, or to start up and run a small business of their own.

As a young scholar, John had never received any ‘business training’, and having had to acquire this through many long years of work experience, he always realised the need for such a programme for young children and scholars.

It so happened that in the early days of the year 2020, the entire world was subjected to a terrible pandemic emanating from China, called COVID-19, which literally shut many countries and economies down around the world, with many of the struggling economies in Africa also being really affected.

It was at this time that John recognised the impending job crisis in Africa and decided, along with a team of committed ‘pro-bono’ staff, to develop an online training programme for the young Children of Africa, on how to start and run a small business.

And the rest, as the saying goes . . . is history.

Starting Your Small Business was launched on 1 December 2020 as a FREE online training program to ALL Children of Africa, without any limitations or restrictions. Aimed at the Children of Africa between the ages of 10 – 19, the Starting Your Small Business course can be retaken and resources accessed as often as needed by a child starting and growing a small business of their own.

Following the successful launch of Starting Your Small Business, AfriBizKid is moving ahead at lightning speed with a translation of the course into French, for the Francophone countries of Africa!

Furthermore, AfriBizKid is committed to developing SIX advanced training programs for small business owners, as well as an AfriBizKid Juniors programme for children between the ages of 5 – 9 years old!

It’s really exciting when you realise that the Starting Your Small Business programme is just the start . . .

John Comley

The Start Your Small Business course was our gift to YOU!

If the course has benefited you (or your child, in the case of a parent), all we would ask is that you 'pay it forward' by making a donation . . .


Help us take this program THROUGHOUT AFRICA, to every country, and to every Child of Africa!

That's our dream . . . and YOU can help us achieve it!

Click HERE to DONATE to AfriBizKid!

By donating today, you will be helping another Child of Africa achieve their DREAM . . .

Use SnapScan!

If you are in South Africa and use SnapScan, please use this QR-code with your smartphone camera for a 'no-fuss' donation!

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