Learn how to start and grow a Small Business of your own!

The Starting Your Small Business course is FREE to ALL Children of Africa!
“EVERY Child of Africa must have access to this FREE training . . . without exception!”
* Remember: Although these videos are easy to access on Youtube, all the supporting lesson PDFs and documents are only available right here on AfriBizKid.africa! So, click on the LINK below to sign up for the course!
What You Will Learn . . .
There is no ‘child-speak’ in business! At AfriBizKid, we teach the Children of Africa ‘BUSINESS SPEAK’ from as young as 10 years old.
“Sales”, “Cash Flow”, “Resources”, and “Costs”, along with many other business terms will become part of every Child of Africa’s vocabulary from a very young age.
Your dinner table conversations are set to change forever once your child starts with their AfriBizKid Starting Your Small Business training.
Furthermore, the AfriBizKid Starting Your Small Business curriculum is taught with real life, practical examples.
Every parent of a Child of Africa should watch this video!
The founder of AfriBizKid, John Comley, lays out why you, as a parent of a Child of Africa, need to make some key decisions regarding your child’s future education and career.
The ‘business world’ is changing fast! The choices open to your child to find employment in a corporation are drying up fast. The Starting Your Small Business course is something you need to be thinking about and planning for your child, from a young age.
No matter which way you look at things, you simply cannot lose! The time invested in the Starting Your Small Business training will stand you in good stead, no matter the final outcome.
Learn How to START Your Very Own Small Business . . . for FREE!
AfriBizKid works on an Honour System – We do not charge for the Starting Your Small Business course so as not to limit any Child of Africa from partaking in this essential training. If you can afford the training, either at the time of signing up, or at a later date, we simply ask you to make a donation, which will help us take this training to the far reaches of our beautiful continent of Africa, to every Child of Africa.
The course is 100% FREE!
The Start Your Small Business course was our gift to YOU!
If the course has benefited you (or your child, in the case of a parent), all we would ask is that you 'pay it forward' by making a donation . . .
Help us take this program THROUGHOUT AFRICA, to every country, and to every Child of Africa!
That's our dream . . . and YOU can help us achieve it!
Click HERE to DONATE to AfriBizKid!
By donating today, you will be helping another Child of Africa achieve their DREAM . . .
Get AfriSmart!
Whilst learning about starting your very own small business, we take you along an exciting journey in which you learn about our amazing African continent, along with all the countries in Africa.
- Do you know how many countries there are in Africa?
- Do you know the names of all the countries, and where they are on the map?
- Do you know that GIRAFFE used to roam what is now the Sahara desert?
- Do you know what language is spoken in Mali?
- Do you know that in the 12th century there was a university in Timbuktu with 25,000 students?
Learn more about Africa . . . get AfriSmart!
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What does the Start Your Small Business course cost?
The course is FREE to every Child of Africa. An ‘honour system’ exists, whereby if a child or their parents can afford to pay for the course, a donation should be made. $25 is the suggested donation. Donate HERE.
I'm not from Africa. Can I still take the course?
Yes, with pleasure, but please pay the suggested $50 donation. Donate HERE.
How old must a child be before taking the Start Your Small Business course?
The Start Your Small Business course is targeted at 10 – 19 year-old students. However, children younger than 10 are encourage to watch the videos, with parental oversight, but moreso for purposes of guidance only.
What if my child is too young for their own email address?
A student will need an email address to register for the Starting Your Small Business course.
If a student is too young for an email address, a parent can set one up using Google Family.
How long will the Starting Your Small Business course take to complete?
A lot will depend upon the age of the student, the degree to which the lessons are studied, as against simply reading through the lessons, as well as whether or not the outcomes from each lesson are being practically implemented by the student in starting their small business as they work through the lessons.
So, with normal schoolwork to contend with, we estimate that a student could complete the course in 30 to 45 days, which would be averaging one lesson a day, and allowing 2 to 3 days for the slightly longer lessons.
If, once each lesson is completed, the student puts into practice the lesson learnt whilst going through the motions of starting up a small business, it could take them anything up to six months to complete.
What are the OUTCOMES of the Starting Your Small Business course?
The Starting Your Small Business course is quite intensive for a young child, but will ultimately lead to OUTCOMES that will benefit them throughout their lives, including:
- How to come up with an IDEA for a Product or Service
- How to build a Business Plan for that Product or Service
- How to Market the Product or Service
- How to Sell the Product or Service
- How to Manage the Finances of the Small Business
- How to Start a Small Business of their very own
- How to Grow their Small Business
Secondary Skills that will be learnt include:
- How to Think Creatively
- How to Problem Solve
- How to Deal with Failure
- How to Self-Motivate
- How to Persevere
- How to Plan
- How to Manage
- How to Lead
When will the FREE TRAINING offer end?
Are you ready to start your own small business? Take the quiz . . .
Take the quiz to see if you are ready to start the Starting Your Small Business course!
#1. Are you interested in starting a small business?
#2. Are you interested in making some extra money through a small business of your own?
#3. How old are you?
#4. Is there something that you are really good at (what we would call a talent)?
#5. Do you have dreams of things you might want to be when you get older?
#6. Do you have parents or someone older who can help you with starting a small business?
#7. Will you be able to study the Starting Your Small Business course online?
#8. Are you prepared to study hard and to practice what the course teaches you?
#9. Do you have friends who might also like to start their own small business?
Well done! You are ready to start your own small business.
Sign up HERE to start your studying!
Happy studying, and good luck with starting and building your own small business.
Mmmmm . . . it doesn’t look like you are quite ready for starting your own business.
Why not talk to your parents and discuss the quiz results.
Otherwise, please feel free to take the quiz again.
The Start Your Small Business course was our gift to YOU!
If the course has benefited you (or your child, in the case of a parent), all we would ask is that you 'pay it forward' by making a donation . . .
Help us take this program THROUGHOUT AFRICA, to every country, and to every Child of Africa!
That's our dream . . . and YOU can help us achieve it!
Click HERE to DONATE to AfriBizKid!
By donating today, you will be helping another Child of Africa achieve their DREAM . . .
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