AfriBizKid presents Starting Your Small Business (SYSB), the FIRST EVER training on how to start and build a small business in Africa, designed and taught by people from Africa, for the Children of Africa.
By 2100, Africa’s population will have grown to over four billion inhabitants!
This startling figure means that WE, as Africans, are going to have to become a lot better at creating job opportunities to support the needs of our beautiful and diverse continent.
Small businesses become medium enterprises, which can go on to become large enterprises in farming, manufacturing and commercial sectors.
AfriBizKid is designed to engender the basic knowledge of starting and growing a small business . . . for Africa’s children, as young as TEN years old!
And, YES, the Starting Your Small Business course is TOTALLY FREE!
AfriBizKid is totally committed to giving back to Africa, and this is first of many initiatives.

100% FREE!
We call it “Giving Back”!
Giving back to the beautiful continent of Africa and her people . . . one child at a time!
Parents of Children of Africa should watch this video!
This video could dramatically change your child’s future as they complete their schooling and venture out into the world of business.
These 7 minutes could change your child’s future!
Small Business Opportunities
Have a look at some ideas for starting a small business of your very own!
Click HERE for the downloadable list of Small Business Opportunities
Small Business Type | Caterogy | Small Business | Start Up Capital (SUC) | Premises Needed | Income $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | AfriBizKid Mentor (teach others to start and grow a small business) | None | No | Low $ |
Service | Other | Artist (Musician, Dancer, Magician) | None | No | Low $ |
Product | Manufacture | Arts & Crafts - Manufacture & Sales | Small SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Baby Party Service | None | No | Low $ |
Service | Childcare | Baby Sitting | None | No | Low $ |
Product | Food Manufacture | Baking Food | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Product | Repairs | Bicycle Buy, Refurbish & Sell | Small SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Service | Repairs | Bicycle Repairs | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Business Plan Writer (use AfriBizKid template) | None | No | Medium $ |
Product | Distribution | Buy & Sell (distributor/middle-man) | Medium SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Service | Car Services | Car Wash | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Care Giver | Care Giver for the Infirm | None | No | Medium $ |
Product | Manufacture | Carpentry (Woodwork) | Medium SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Chatbot Making (Websites) | None | No | Low $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Child Party Service | None | No | Low $ |
Product & Service | Clothing Manufacture | Clothes Manufacturer | Medium SUC | Yes | HIGH $ |
Service | Clothing Repairs | Clothes Repairs (Seamstress) | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | Coaching - sport or skill | None | No | Low $ |
Product & Service | Advertising | Community Advertising Flyer (sell Advertising) | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Product & Service | Printing & Copying Services | Community Newspaper (sell Advertising) | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Technical Support | Computer Support | None | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Content Strategist | None | No | Medium $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | Cooking Classes | None | Yes | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Copywriting | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | CV Writer | Small SUC | No | Low $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | Dance Teacher | None | Yes | Medium $ |
Service | Pet Services | Dog Walking | None | No | Low $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Freelance Voice Over Work | None | No | Low $ |
Product | Fishing | Fresh Fish - catch and sell fresh fish | Small SUC | No | Low $ |
Service | Garden & Home | Garden Service | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Graphic Designer | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Delivery Services | Grocery Delivery Services | None | No | Low $ |
Product | Farming | Grow & Sell Garden Plants | Small SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Product | Farming | Growing Vegetables | Small SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Product & Service | Face & Hair | Hair Salon - Ladies | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Garden & Home | Handyman | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Garden & Home | House Painting | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Garden & Home | Housesitting Service | None | No | Low $ |
Service | Garden & Home | Housework (contract with your parents) | None | No | Low $ |
Product | Farming | Hydroponics Vegetable Growing | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | Life Coach - Online | None | No | Medium $ |
Service | Beautician Services | Makeup Artist | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Product | Food Sales | Making & Selling Food | Small SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Product | Food Manufacture | Making Food/Meals | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Manage Youtube Channel (uploads, stats, moderate, etc.) | None | No | Low $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Marketing Consultant | None | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Marketing Service - Google Ads/Facebook Ads | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Marketing Surveys (carry out, as a service) | None | No | Medium $ |
Service | Other | Mobile DJ | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | Music Teacher (Singing, Guitar, Piano, other) | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Beautician Services | Nail Technician | Small SUC | No | Low $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Party Planner Service | None | No | Low $ |
Service | Delivery Services | Personal Shopper | None | No | Low $ |
Service | Pet Services | Pet Grooming | Small SUC | No | Low $ |
Service | Pet Services | Pet Sitting | None | No | Low $ |
Product | Manufacture | Pet Toy Maker (Chewable Toys) | Medium SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Service | Photography | Photographer - Events | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Photography | Photographer - Studio | HIGH SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Service | Other | Podcaster | Small SUC | No | Low $ |
Service | Garden & Home | Pool Cleaning Service | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Product & Service | Office Services | Printing/Copying Business | Medium SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Producing Videos | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Programming - Writing Code | None | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Proof-Reader | None | No | Medium $ |
Service | Other | Recycling of Waste | None | No | Low $ |
Product | Other | Second-Hand Store | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | SEO Optimisation for Websites | None | No | Medium $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | Sewing Classes | Small SUC | No | Low $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | Share a Skill (Coaching) | None | No | Medium $ |
Product & Service | Clothing Repairs | Shoe Repairs | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Social Media Copywriter | None | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Social Media Influencer | None | No | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Social Media Manager | None | No | Medium $ |
Product | Food Sales | Spaza Shop - Food & Drinks | Small SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Product | Hardware | Supply of Repackaged Screws, Nuts & Bolts to Local Hardware Stores | Medium SUC | No | HIGH $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | Swimming Classes | None | No | Medium $ |
Product | Clothing Manufacture | T-Shirt Printing | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | Tutor a Subject (School) | None | No | Medium $ |
Product & Service | Car Services | Tyre Repairs | Small SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Product | Manufacture | Upcycle Furniture (buy-repair-flip) | Small SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Product | Food Sales | Urban Food Supply | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Product | Farming | Vertical Vegetable Farming | Medium SUC | Yes | Medium $ |
Service | Consulting Services | Virtual Personal Assistant - providing various remote services | Small SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Technical Services | Website Designer | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Product | Face & Hair | Wigs, Weaves & Hair Extension Supplier | Medium SUC | No | Medium $ |
Service | Garden & Home | Window and Gutter Cleaning | Small SUC | No | Low $ |
Service | Teaching/Coaching | Writing Workshop Teacher | None | No | Medium $ |
What you get . . . for FREE!
Online Lessons
Over 27 Online Lessons for the Starting Your Small Business course will take you through the basics of starting and running a small business.
Click on the second image to see the curriculum!
We are adding to and improving the lessons every day.
Click HERE
Course Notes
The Starting Your Small Business Workbook is a direct copy of all the online lessons, allowing a student without access to the Internet the ability to download and print out a copy of the online Starting Your Small Business lessons.
Click HERE
Video Lessons
Lesson Videos using animated puppets that take the student through the detail behind every one of the 27 lessons (click to play).
Younger students, in particular, will benefit from the video training.
Furthermore, there are 27 HOME videos, in which the two students return home at the end of each lesson and report back to their parents about what they have learnt and discuss their plans with their parents, around starting and growing a small business of their very own.
Click HERE
Business Plan
A POWERFUL Business Planning Tool, which includes a Marketing Plan, Sales Plan, Finance Plan and Growth Plan, as well as Sample Business Plans, for any student to learn from!
Click HERE
100 Ideas
A list of 100 Small Business Ideas to give you ideas for starting your very own small business.
The list can be sorted by Type of Business, Amount of Start-Up Capital Needed, Premises Needed, and Earning Potential.
Click HERE
Digital Tools
All the Digital Business Tools you will need, from Business Planning, Financial Tools, Sales Tools, Marketing Tools, Contact Lists, Task Check Lists, and SO much more!
Click HERE
50 Steps
The 50 Essential Steps for Starting a Small Business walks you through each of the important steps needed to get your small business started, growing, and making profits.
Click HERE
All the Business Documents you will need for starting and growing your small business.
Click HERE
UVP Canvas
The My Unique Value Proposition Canvas allows a student to map out the EIGHT elements of their UVP, and to chart them on a canvas, allowing the student to quickly see gaps in Skills, Knowledge, Values, Experience, Strengths, and more
Click HERE
FOCUS Sheets
The Small Business FOCUS Sheets provide the budding small owner with a ONE-PAGE overview of the business, including Buyer Persona, Start-Up Costs, Labour Intensity, Pros & Cons, Tips, and more.
These Small Business FOCUS Sheets have been developed for the more common small businesses, and are being added to all the time.
Click HERE
My Business Idea
The My Business Idea Tool provides a quick and easy way to test your idea for your new business.
Quickly sketch out the Idea, Market, Costs, and Sales, as well as creating a quick 3-month cash-flow!
Click HERE
Small Business Marketplace
Even if you don’t have a website, you can have your small business listed on the AfriBizKid Small Business Marketplace.
You will be able to list your business name, country, contact details, and products & services.
Click HERE
Curriculum & Course Content
There is no ‘child-speak’ for business terms. At AfriBizKid, we teach Africa’s children ‘BUSINESS SPEAK’ from as young as TEN years old.
“Sales”, “Cash Flow”, “Resources”, and “Costs”, along with many other business terms will become part of every child of Africa’s vocabulary from a very young age.
Your dinner table conversations are set to change forever once your child starts with their AfriBizKid Starting Your Small Business training.
Furthermore, the AfriBizKid Starting Your Small Business curriculum is taught with real life, practical examples.
Learn more about Africa!
Lessons are delivered virtually from many of the 54 beautiful countries in Africa.
At the start of each lesson, students are provided with some interesting information about the country from where the lesson is being hosting, so as to add further relevance to the training, whilst also educating students on the wonderful diversity of our beautiful African continent.

Working Capital for Small Business!
Do you need working capital to start your small business?
If you are a Small Business Owner and are looking to have someone invest in your small business, please complete and submit the SBO Sponsorship Funding application form below.
Before applying for sponsorship:
- Make sure you have completed the Starting Your Small Business course
- Make sure you have built a Business Plan for your small business
Furthermore, it would be beneficial if you have already started a small business, although this is not strictly required.
Would you to like to sponsor the $100 working capital needed by a Small Business Owner to start their very own small business?
Sponsoring Small Business is essential for the hundreds of thousands of Small Business Owners (SBOs) needing a little working capital to get their small businesses off the ground.
So, if you are in a financial position to sponsor one or even more SBOs, PLEASE click on the link below and visit the SBO Sponsorship page.
AfriBizKid will maintain a rigorous screening process to ensure that all sponsorships go to deserving SBOs, and that the funds are put to good use.
To many of you, $100 might cause a little discomfort, but it won’t ‘break the bank! However, to a Small Business Owner, it is the difference between having some capital to start a small business, or not starting one.
Please give this your thoughtful consideration.
Are you ready to start your own small business? Take the quiz . . .
Take the quiz to see if you are ready to start the Starting Your Small Business course!
#1. Are you interested in starting a small business?
#2. Are you interested in making some extra money through a small business of your own?
#3. How old are you?
#4. Is there something that you are really good at (what we would call a talent)?
#5. Do you have dreams of things you might want to be when you get older?
#6. Do you have parents or someone older who can help you with starting a small business?
#7. Will you be able to study the Starting Your Small Business course online?
#8. Are you prepared to study hard and to practice what the course teaches you?
#9. Do you have friends who might also like to start their own small business?
Well done! You are ready to start your own small business.
Sign up HERE to start your studying!
Happy studying, and good luck with starting and building your own small business.
Mmmmm . . . it doesn’t look like you are quite ready for starting your own business.
Why not talk to your parents and discuss the quiz results.
Otherwise, please feel free to take the quiz again.
And here’s the best part . . .
The BASIC Starting Your Small Business (SYSM) training is totally FREE!
Where’s the catch? There is none! No ‘In-App’ purchases. Every lesson is delivered, with fully downloadable workbooks, COMPLETELY FREE.
The cost to both child and parent will be the time invested in doing the training and starting a small business, but we’re convinced that you will find this investment very worthwhile!
NO CHECKOUT! No Upsells or Downsells. Just sign up and start the training TODAY!
All we would ask from both parents and students who have done the Starting Your Small Business (SYSB) training and have benefitted from it, is to “pay it forward” by making a donation, NO MATTER HOW SMALL!
So, for parents that have the means to contribute to the ongoing development of Africa’s Children, they can head over to the DONATIONS PAGE and make a donation of your choice.
Small Business Owner Certificate
Once you have completed the Starting Your Small Business course, written a business plan and can provide some photographic proof (a picture of them standing next to their business, say), we will send you a certificate and make an announcement in the AfriBizKid Virtual Business Village Community Group.
The Start Your Small Business course was our gift to YOU!
If the course has benefited you (or your child, in the case of a parent), all we would ask is that you 'pay it forward' by making a donation . . .
Help us take this program THROUGHOUT AFRICA, to every country, and to every Child of Africa!
That's our dream . . . and YOU can help us achieve it!
Click HERE to DONATE to AfriBizKid!
By donating today, you will be helping another Child of Africa achieve their DREAM . . .
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