AfriBizKid believe that a Child of Africa should never be disadvantaged with regard to the opportunity to study.
It you are unable to afford the advanced training, apply below and we will look to provide you with a FULL STUDY BURSARY.
Apply HERE!
Please let us know how we can support you further in your studies for starting and growing your own small business. If you are impoverished and simply cannot afford the cost of the advanced training modules, LET US KNOW!
Remember, AfriBizKid is here for YOU, each and every Child of Africa!
All we would ask is that you don’t take away the opportunity for us to support another Child of Africa who may be in real need, so please make sure that your application is legitimate.
Please think twice before submitting your application!
Do you really deserve a FULL STUDY BURSARY, or should it possibly go to another child, more in need.
If you have the funds or can raise even part of the funds, rather make a small donation, using the form below, and then apply for the FULL STUDY BURSARY, letting us know when you made the donation, and how much it was for.
We understand that there will be many cases in which a Child of Africa will want to progress with their studies but will simply have no means to pay. In this case, we will in all probability honour your request,
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is essential to have completed the FREE Starting Your Small Business (SYSB) training before applying for a FULL STUDY BURSARY.
The Start Your Small Business course was our gift to YOU!
If the course has benefited you (or your child, in the case of a parent), all we would ask is that you 'pay it forward' by making a donation . . .
Help us take this program THROUGHOUT AFRICA, to every country, and to every Child of Africa!
That's our dream . . . and YOU can help us achieve it!
Click HERE to DONATE to AfriBizKid!
By donating today, you will be helping another Child of Africa achieve their DREAM . . .
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